Classics at Berkeley

Welcome to the website of the Classics Department of the University of California, Berkeley, a world-renowned center for the study of Graeco-Roman antiquity. The Department offers excellent undergraduate and graduate training in ancient Greek and Latin language and literature and in many other aspects of two major cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world, including history, philosophy, archaeology, epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, palaeography, cultural studies, gender studies, and the classical tradition. More

Graduate student gathering
Graduate student evening colloquium.
Photo by Genevieve Shiffrar. © 2007 Genevieve Shiffrar.

Contacts for More Information


Department of Classics
7233 Dwinelle Hall # 2520
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2520

Tel. (510) 642-4218
Fax (510) 643-2959

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Classics at UC Berkeley

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