FAQ for Prospective Undergraduates

We in Classics are delighted that you are interested in coming to Berkeley to study Classics! Here are some general points of information that may answer questions you have. If you would like further information, please contact an Undergraduate Adviser.

Where can I find information about the requirements of Berkeley's majors in the Classics Department?

Use the navigation links under Programs above, selecting Undergraduate.

Where do I place in Latin with my high school Latin experience?

We do not have a placement exam in ancient languages. In general, two years of high school Latin is equivalent to one semester of Berkeley Latin. So if you have two years' Latin, you should enroll in Latin 2 (second semester Beginning Latin); if you have four or more years, you should enroll in Latin 100 (Republican Prose).

I am not a California resident. What are my chances for admission to Berkeley?

Berkeley, like other UC campuses, can admit only 6% of its students from out-of-state (including foreign). Thus, as a non-resident you are competing against a very elite pool. Chances for admission are therefore reduced. But you should apply anyway! You should also know that the cost of attending Berkeley for a non-resident is approximately the same as for attending a private university.

I want to major in Classics. Can the Department help me in gaining admission to Berkeley?

The admissions process is run entirely from the Office of Admissions and Records. The departments are not consulted, nor can a letter from a department enhance chances for admission. Regrettably, therefore, we cannot aid you in your application for admission to Berkeley, even though you wish to major in Classics.

I am a high school student and want to attend Summer Sessions and take Classics or language courses. Can I?

Yes, if you will be a junior or senior. See the requirements for admission to Summer Sessions as a high school student at http://summer.berkeley.edu/. For offerings, go to that same address, or check our departmental course page.