Naomi Weiss
Classics graduate student

Greek tragedy, particularly Euripides; ancient music and dance; archaic Greek poetry; ancient ethnography
BA (Hons) Classics, University of Oxford, Somerville College (2006); MSt, University of Oxford, New College (2007); MA, UC Berkeley (2009)

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Selected publications

Ph.D. Dissertation (in progress): Mousike and Mythos: The Role of Choral Performance in Later Euripidean Tragedy (University of California, Berkeley)

"The Visual Language of Nero's Harbor Sestertii," Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 58 (forthcoming 2013)

"Recognition and Identity in Euripides' Ion," in T. Russo ed. Recognition and Modes of Knowledge: Anagnorisis from Antiquity to Contemporary Theory (University of Alberta Press, 2012)

"A Psychoanalytical Reading of Euripides' Ion: Repetition, Development and Identity," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 51 (2008) 39-50.

M.St. Thesis: Presocratic Thought in Aeschylus (University of Oxford, 2007)

Articles in progress:

"The Antiphonal Ending of Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis"

"Unlearning Latin? The Illusion of Linguistic Decline in Ovid's Exile Poetry"

Personal statement

Papers presented:

"Singing 'chorus-less woes': the Paradox of Performed Absence in Euripides' Trojan Women," to be delivered at Epichoreia VI, New York University, May 2013 (invited talk)

"Performing the Hymenaios in Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis," delivered at Paths of Song: Interactions between Greek Lyric and Tragedy, University College London, April 2013

"The Antiphonal Ending of Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis," delivered at the 144th annual meeting of the American Philological Association, Seattle, WA, January 2013 (received Honorable Mention in the list of Outstanding Papers and Panels)

"Mimetic polyphony in Euripides' Helen," presented at Color and Sound in Antiquity, John Hopkins University, March 2012.

"tin' es choron? Different worlds of choral dancing in Euripides' Electra," presented at the Madrid-Harvard Colloquium, Harvard University, May 2010.

"Repetition, recognition and identity in Euripides' Ion," presented at From Ignorance to Knowledge: Recognition from Antiquity to the Postmodern and Beyond, Center for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, April 2008.

"Freud and Greek tragedy: does a psychoanalytical approach work?," presented at The Graduate Colloquium, New College, University of Oxford, May 2007.

"Hecuba and Helen: Troades 860-1059," presented at Quarrels seminar series, University of Oxford, February 2007.