Third Annual Berkeley Ancient Italy Roundtable

September 17, 2012

IMPORTANT: the location for Saturday has been changed to Room 2040 Valley Life Sciences Building; the location for Friday is unchanged.

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The Berkeley Ancient Italy Roundtable (BAIR) will take place October 26 and 27, 2012, on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley.  This will be the third edition of an annual event that brings together students of the archaeology, history, and art history of ancient Italy (broadly defined both geographically and chronologically) based in the Bay Area and further afield in the western United States.   Our aim is to promote interaction among this group of scholars with a view to advancing the development of a more cohesive professional community.  Interested members of the public are also encouraged to attend.


The event will consist of a keynote address to be held on the evening of Friday, October 26, followed by a day-long conference on Saturday, October 27, at which several scholars will present papers on their current research.  John Dobbins, Professor in the McIntire Department of Art at the University of Virginia, will deliver the Friday keynote address, entitled “Art, Archaeology, and High Technology: The Case of the Alexander Mosaic at Pompeii.”


poster for keynote lecture by John Dobbins

The Saturday conference will consist of 11 papers paired in morning and afternoon mini-sessions (The Analysis of Bone, Technical Applications, Alpine Studies, Representation, and Urbanism). For full details see the program printed below or download the PDF program.

Persons interested in attending the Friday keynote address and/or the Saturday conference should indicate this to the BAIR Steering Committee by sending an email (preferably by no later than Friday, October 19) to the following address:

Those who wish to make a financial contribution to support BAIR should go to the “Support Classics” page on the UC Berkeley Classics website (, step through to the “On-Line Giving” form and fill this in, entering “Berkeley Ancient Italy Roundtable” in the “Special Instructions or Designations for this Gift” field at the bottom.  Any gift towards the support of the conference, however great or small, will be very much appreciated.


BAIR Steering Committee:


J. Theodore Peña (Department of Classics, University of California, Berkeley)


Michael Anderson (Classics Department, San Francisco State University)

Louise Chu (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco)

Mia Fuller (Department of Italian Studies, University of California, Berkeley)

Christopher Hallett (Departments of History of Art and Classics, University of California, Berkeley)

Carlos Noreña (Department of History, University of California, Berkeley)

Lisa Pieraccini (Department of History of Art, University of California, Berkeley)

Steven Sullivan (Acme Bread Company, Berkeley, California)

Jennifer Trimble (Department of Classics, Stanford University)







CONFERENCE Valley Life Sciences Building Room 2040


CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST                                                                          8:00-8:50 AM


First pair: the analysis of bone 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Chair: Christine Hastorf, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley

Beauchesne, Patrick, and Sabrina Agarwal (Lecturer, Department of Anthropology; Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley). “Bioarchaeology and the Study of Ancient Rome: making a case for life course approaches.”

Kansa, Sarah Witcher (Executive Director, Open Context, Alexandria Archive Institute) “Bone-ing up on Diet and Economy in and around Poggio Civitate.”



Second pair: technical applications 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Chair: Michael Ashley, Chief Technology Officer, Center for Digital Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley

Jackson, Marie (Research Engineer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley) “Unlocking the cement secrets of ancient Roman seawater concretes.”

Storage, William (Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley) “Craniofacial Anthropometry of Roman Imperial Portraits.”


BREAK 11:00 – 11:30 AM


Third pair: Alpine studies 11:30 AM–12:30 PM

Chair: Carlos Noreña, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley

Hunt Patrick (Lecturer, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies and CSLI, Stanford University) “Hannibal and Italian alpine geomorphology.”

Roncaglia, Carolynn (Lecturer, Department of Classics, Santa Clara University) “Client Prefects?: The Cottian kings and Augustan government in the Italian Alps.”


LUNCH 12:30 – 2:00 PM


Fourth pair (well, trio): representation 2:00 – 3:30 PM

Chair: Christopher Hallett, Professor, Department of History of Art, University of California, Berkeley

Mazzeri, Chiara Morini. (Visiting Student, University of California, Berkeley) “Ancestors at the gate: representations of ancestors in Etruscan and Roman funerary art.”

Young, Antonia (ABD graduate student, Department of History of Art, University of California, Berkeley) “The Amazon Sarcophagus and gender in the Etruscan world.”

Matheson, Linda (Lecturer, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis) “Tying private to public through the threads of dress in Virgil’s Aeneid.”


BREAK 3:30 – 4:00 PM


Fifth pair: urbanism 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Chair: Maureen Miller, Professor, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley

Evans, Marilyn (ABD graduate student, Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley/Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Georgia, Athens) “ Funerary ritual and urban development in archaic Gabii.”

Goodson, Caroline  (Senior Lecturer, History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London) “Urban legacies in southern Italy and Sicily.”