California Consortium in Late Antiquity Conference October 22-23, 2010: City-Empire-Christendom
September 9, 2010
City-Empire-Christendom is the title of a Workshop Conference of the California Consortium in Late Antiquity, meeting October 22-23, 2010, in 370 Dwinelle Hall.
The conference is organized by Professor Susanna Elm of Classics and History.
The preliminary program is as follows: [download program PDF]
University of California, Berkeley, October 22-23, 2010 370 Dwinelle Hall
9:00 Coffee 9.30-10.00
Welcoming Remarks (Susanna ELM, UCB)
Introduction (Claudia RAPP, UCLA)
Session I: Models of the Classical City and their Vestiges in Late Antiquity
Moderator: Ra'anan BOUSTAN (UCLA)
1. Rudolf HAENSCH (Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Munich), The Changing Patterns of Late Antique Evergetism: The Examples of "Secular" Building and Church Construction
2. Michele SALZMAN (UCR), Classical vs. Christian City: Euergetism vs Charity in Fifth Century Rome
Coffee Break
3. Tim WATSON (UCR), Classical City and Country in Late Antiquity: Symmachus and Ausonius' Idealized Images
4. Akihiko WATANABE (UCD), Heron and the Embassy to Hades: A Skoptic Epigram from Late Roman Egypt
Lunch (catered)
Session II: Cities in Function: Imperial Policies and Economic Foundations
Moderator: Emily MACKIL (UCB)
1. Rolf STROOTMAN (Utrecht University), City and Empire in the Hellenistic Age: The Case of Miletos
2. Caroline HUMFRESS (Birkbeck College, London), Lex and the City: the case of Dionysia and her Father (P. Oxy II. 237, 186CE)
Coffee Break
3. Tracy WATTS (UCSB), Beyond the Pleasure Garden: Urban Agriculture in Ancient Rome
4. Carlos NORENA (UCB), Urban Systems in the Roman Empire: The Transition to Late Antiquity
6.30 Reception (ISHI COURT)
8.00 Keynote Lecture: Christoph MARKSCHIES, Some New Insights Concerning Phrygia's Christianization: Cities and Hinterland
9: 30 Dinner for Speakers
8:30 Coffee
Session III: Competing Identities: Religious-Ethnic, Urban-Imperial
Moderator: Catherine CHIN (UCD)
1. Ralph MATHISEN (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), City, Province, Gens, Empire: Civic 'Citizenship' and Competing Forms of Identity in Late Antiquity
2. Dayna KALLERES (UCSD), Antioch and Julian
Coffee Break
3. Diliana ANGELOVA (UCB), Political Piety/Pious Politics: Imperial Patronage and Urban Development in Constantinople
4. Edward M. SCHOOLMAN (UNR), Cooperation and Competition: Imperial Administrators and Local Bishops in Ravenna
Lunch (catered)
Session IV: Space and Movement, Topography and Representation
Moderator: Emily ALBU (UCD)
1. Bert SMITH (Oxford University), The Lives of Classical Statues in Late Antiquity: the Case of the Blue Horse at Aphrodisias
2. Alison TURTLEDOVE (UCSB), Holy City under a Curse: Memory, History and their Appropriation in Early Christian Jerusalem
Coffee Break
3. Eli WEAVERDYCK (UCB), Urban and Rural Settlements in Pannonia Inferior
4:30 - 5.00 Concluding Remarks: Beth DIGESER (UCSB)
Dinner ( modalities TBA)