Friday, November 7 |
5:30 | Opening Remarks, Kickoff Address |
Nino Luraghi (Princeton) "Structure and history in Greek ethnic identities"
Saturday, November 8 |
9-10 | breakfast |
10-11:15 | Panel I. "Double Identities" |
Kelcy Sagstetter (University of Pennsylvania) "Asian fusion: intellectual resistance to Greco-Scythian cultural mixing"
Duncan Macrae (Harvard)"The Two Catulli of Verona: Hybrid Identity and Social Performance"
11:45-1 | Panel II. "Integration?" |
Christelle Fischer (Berkeley) "Encountering the Other: ethnic interaction in the gymnasium of Egypt"
Annika Kuhn (Oxford)"Local Identity Formation in the Roman Colony of Alexandria Troas"
1-2 | Lunch |
2-3:45 | Panel III. "Polis and Politics, Ethnos and Ethnicity" |
John Tully (Princeton) "Achaioì egénonto: Negotiating Local and Regional Identity in the Northern Peloponnese"
Natalie Abell (University of Cincinnati)"Insularity without Isolation: Rethinking Identity Construction in the Maltese Temple Period"
Jason Aftosmis (Stanford)
"Problems of Language and Colonization in Callimachus's Aitia"
4:15 | Keynote Address |
Nicola Terrenato (Michigan)
"The Romanization of Rome"